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Ketamine for CRPS

IV Ketamine offers Fast and Efficient Relief for CRPS

CRPS is a horrible condition that many people have to cope with every day in their life. For many, CRPS can become debilitating and affect the individual’s overall quality of day-to-day life. Thankfully, a new treatment option is giving those who have CRPS a new chance at relief, especially for those who have tried numerous other medications and treatments with no success.

Ketamine infusions are quickly becoming a go-to treatment option for CRPS and various other pain conditions: fibromyalgia, migraines, and RLS. Unlike many of the traditional methods of treatment, ketamine provides fast relief for CRPS patients. Many individuals have reported feeling pain relief within just a few hours of their first infusion.

What Is CRPS?

Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS), is a progressing health condition of the Autonomic Nervous System, and more particularly, the Sympathetic Nervous System. The pain is described as constant, incredibly intense, and disproportionate to the initial injury. The pain is typically accompanied by swelling, skin alterations, and extreme levels of sensitivity, and can often be incapacitating. It usually affects one or more of the four limbs but can happen in any area of the body and in over 70% of the sufferers it spreads to additional areas.

How Does Ketamine Help With CRPS?

Ketamine is the best NMDA receptor antagonist readily available to date. By blocking out the NMDA receptor, ketamine seems to totally reset the pain receptors that have come to be extremely sensitive in those who are dealing with fibromyalgia by disrupting pain signals.

Are there any adverse effects of ketamine?

As a new treatment option for CRPS, ketamine has a few minor side effects. These can include a dream-like feeling, double or blurred vision, lightheadedness, nausea or vomiting, and small anxiety feelings after being given a dose. This treatment method is not developmental because this is an FDA-approved drug that is being utilized for “off-label” or less typical use.

An “off-label” use indicates that it is provided as a treatment that the FDA did not initially authorize. The FDA approves prescription medications only for a certain lot of uses, but most medications at some point develop off-label uses as a result of the clinical experience that develops in time.

Where Will I Receive My Ketamine Infusions?

During treatment, we go above and beyond to make sure all of our patients feel as comfortable as possible in their own private rooms. Infusions typically last 45-60 minutes for mood disorders, while a larger dose is required for chronic pain conditions like fibromyalgia.

A number of our clients refer to a “dissociation” effect and the majority of our patients take pleasure in this sensation. For a large number of patients, this disconnection effect is what aids with your treatment and delivers a positive response to your ketamine therapy.

This is all an ordinary component of the treatment and you will always remain in a safe atmosphere with our team to monitor you and be readily available to you in any way during your infusion.

Is Ketamine Treatment The Right Solution for You?

Are you ready to take back control of your life? Tired of trying one medication after the other to only be left with constant pain? Then ketamine infusions might be a great option for you.

Man is happy with ketamine treatment for CRPS pain management

Request Your Free Consultation Today

At Genesis Ketamine Centers, you will have a free consultation with an experienced physician who will tailor a treatment plan to meet your needs. Call and schedule a free consultation with Genesis Ketamine Centers today and discover how ketamine for CRPS can help you.

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